Tofu with Brown Rice
20 min 426kcal
Miso Paste
Rice Vinegar
Maple Syrup, sugar-free
Brown Rice, dry
Fresh Ginger Root
Olive Oil
Scallions, fresh
Nutritional Value
1 small
2 tsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
1/2 tsp
3 tbsp
1 tsp, grated
1 tsp
1 tbsp, chopped
3/4 cup, cubes
Step by Step
Cook brown rice according to the package directions.
drain tofu and wrap in a clean dishtowel. Gently press the tofu to remove the excess liquid. Cut the tofu into equal one-bite-sized cubes.
In a bowl, combine tamari, rice vinegar, maple syrup, miso paste, and grated ginger. Set aside.
Add olive oil to the skillet and bring it to medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, carefully add tofu cubes. Do this carefully as oil can spit as tofu cooks. Cook changing sides until browned and crispy. Use a chopstick or spatula to turn.
Bring back the skillet o medium heat and add the sauce from step.
Spoon the sauce over the tofu to absorb. Let simmer until sauce has thickened and caramelized, for about 5 min.
Serve the tofu with cooked brown rice and sliced cucumber on the side.