Train Like A Model
A workout that targets a female model physique should involve full-body toning exercises as well as a cardio burn. Female models are lean, slender, and toned with flat stomachs and low body fat percentage. Similarly for men, male models tend to have a unique workout goal. Rather than aiming to get as big as possible, most male models work out with the goal of maintaining their lean muscle mass.
You may or may not aspire to be a fitness competitor, a cover model or a performer, but you may still want to lean down and build some beautiful, statuesque muscles. Burning fat and building muscle not only makes your body look better, but it's also a positive step toward living a longer, healthier life! And that's something everyone should want.
A model's workout is just one piece of the puzzle and must be supplemented with a proper diet as well. Be sure to maintain a structured diet, one where you’re only putting in calories into your body that count towards achieving balanced nutrition. Avoid snack foods, soda, and other empty calories.
So, if you've been thinking about stepping into the fitness game, but aren't sure where to start, subscribe now to request a personalized questionnaire and a free online consultation.
Catch our models in training: