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Ecto- Endomorphs


Usually this is a behaviorally acquired body type — basically, someone who is really an ectomorph has added significant body fat, whether it’s from poor eating habits, sedentary ways, or a combination of these habits. With long limbs and a smaller bone structure, ecto-endomorphs often have soft midsections, droopy chests, and flabby upper arms and legs from sheer neglect.




Most ectomorphs have developed bodies with highly active metabolisms and “lanky” bone structures, making it hard for them to put on mass and keep it on. For this reason, exercise techniques for hypertrophy and maximal strength should be prioritized, with a greatly-reduced focus on cardiorespiratory training to reduce overall energy utilization.



Training endomorphs should predominantly focus on fat loss techniques until a desirable body composition and functional cardiorespiratory efficiency have been achieved. Resistance training should be used to strengthen muscles and stabilize joints to support more-efficient movement elsewhere in life, but endomorphs tends to need cardiorespiratory improvement and fat loss above all.

Body Type Desciption


  • Ectomorphs have narrower shoulders and hips in respect to height.


  • Relatively smaller muscles in respect to bone length.


  • Naturally fast metabolism makes it difficult for many to gain mass.


  • Potentially indicative of disordered eating (e.g., anorexia, bulimia) when BMI is ≤17.

  • Endomorphs have stockier bone structures with larger midsection and hips.


  •  Carries more fat throughout the body.


  • Gains fat fast and loses it slow.


  • Naturally slow metabolism; potentially due to chronic conditions (e.g., thyroid deficiency, diabetes) but too frequently the result of a sedentary lifestyle and chronically-positive daily energy balance.

Ecto- Endomorphs


To improve fitness, body composition, and health, the most efficient plan for this type involves resistance training and high-intensity cardio, both of which promote muscle growth and stimulate metabolism.


Since ecto-endomorphs may have developed some insulin resistance, their bodies may not be as efficient at burning carbohydrates, so I recommend a dietary plan that’s suited to endomorphs — with a slightly higher protein intake, a medium fat intake, and lower carb levels — until the excess body fat comes off and metabolic function is optimized; then these hybrid types can switch to more of an ectomorph approach (adding in more carbs).

Ectomorphs - Workout


  • Maximize muscle gain using lower-intensity hypertrophy and maximal strength resistance training with longer rest periods.


  • When paired with a consistently-positive energy balance, this type of lifting will preferentially help ectomorphs build up their body mass.


  • To accompany the mass gain-focused resistance training, ectomorphic bodies should eat a mass gain-focused diet.

Ectomorph - Diet


* Ectomorphs tend to burn through energy sources faster than most, so ample calories will be needed.


*In some cases, it may be prudent to recommend that ectomorphic clients even incorporate “mass gainer” nutritional shakes into their diets.


  • Consume a high-protein diet with balanced carbs and fats that maintains a positive energy balance.


  • 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram body weight of daily protein has been shown to be optimal for muscle growth, with some individuals requiring up to 2.2.

Endomorph- Workout


  • Maximize calorie burn and the improvement of metabolic efficiency by primarily using high-intensity, metabolic training techniques - Plyometrics (within client tolerance)


  • Consistent anaerobic and aerobic training will help endomorphic bodies increase their metabolic efficiency and boost the body’s daily energy requirement.


  • Move more times during the day when you are not in the gym.


  • Commitment to a less-sedentary lifestyle overall is the most important thing to begin overcoming their metabolic challenges.

 Endomorph - Diet (Recommended)


  • Consume a high-protein diet with balanced carbs and fats that maintains a slight negative energy balance.


  • A diet that is both low-calorie and high in protein is ideal. Diets containing daily protein of as much as 2.2 grams per kilogram body weight (and sometimes even higher) have been shown safe and effective for supporting existing muscle tissue during times of calorie restriction and weight loss.


  • After ensuring that daily protein requirements have been met, the remaining pool of calories can come from whatever blend of carbs and fats the individual best tolerates.


  • Regardless of whether carbs or fats are the preferred source of energy, the most important thing is to determine your total daily calorie requirement and keep food intake a bit lower (with still-ample protein) so that the body remains in a negative energy balance with as little muscle catabolism as possible.



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